Thursday, January 27, 2011

Page 105-109 Madison Sauls

k i ki ki is is if if ill ill aid aid kid kid hail
ki ki like like jail jail file file said said dial
if a kid; he did; a lie; if he; his file; a kid is
f r fr fr far far her her are are ark ark jar jars
fr fr jar jar red red her her lark lark dark dark;
a jar; a rake; read a; red jar; hear her; are free
ride ride fire fire risk risk hire hire hair hairs
her hair; hire her; a fire; is she fair; is a risk
a ride; if her; is far; red jar; his are; her aide
hj ed ik rf hj de ik fr hj ed ik rf jh de ki fr hj
he he if if all all fir fir jar jar rid rid as ask
she she elf elf her her hah hah eel eel shed shelf
he has; had jak; her jar; had a shed; she has fled
fir fir rid rid sir sir kid kid ire ire fire fired
a fir; is rid; is red; his ire; her kid; has a fir
jar jar deal deal fire fire shelf shelf lake lakes
he is; he did; ask her; red jar; she fell; he fled
if she is; he did ask; he led her; he is her aide;
she has had a jade sale; he said he had a red fir;
ask seal edje fire jar deal said shelf
Tom fell down the stairs.
Please wait outside in the hall.
She will start school in the fall.
Miguel went to the lake to swim.
Shannon may ask her dad for the money.
Tim had a salad for lunch.
The stone in the ring was jade.
If you add 8 plus 6, you get 14.
Please put the books back on the shelf.
He held the door open for her.
aa jj ff kk ss ll dd ;; aj fk sl d; dd ff jj ll kk
he fee she ash deed deaf shed held head half easel
fire rile risk hire rail dial rake like raid rider
is as if he hi has ask had are her jar kid lad sad
jail half lake sail side rail leaf desk fade flair
his like reel fails laser seeks lease hired safari
he is if she a jar he did as he is has had she did
red jar a lake red hair her desk as a lark as dark
he said she has had a here he is all fall are free
if he is;
as if she is;
he had a fir desk;
she has a red jell jar;
he has had a lead all fall;
she asked if he reads fall ads;
she said she reads all ads she sees;
his dad has had a sales lead as he said;
he she heel shelf held heed shed heal hire herself
he had a sled; she hired a; he has had; she held a
air sir fire liar hair iris ride fair dried desire
hire her; she is a risk; his airfare; he fired her
he is; he has a red sled; like jade; if he is free
is a; he has a jar; a lake; she is safe; fried eel
he is free; here she is; she has a jade; like her;
he had a; red jars; fire risk; fall ads; sled ride
jskj; dlaf; sad fall; had a hall; a fall ad; ask a
jskj; dlaf; sad fall; had a hall; a fall ad; ask a
a fire; if her aid; he sees; he irks her; fish jar
a fire; if her aid; he sees; he irks her; fish jar
he had half a jar; as she fell; he sells fir desks
he had half a jar; as she fell; he sells fir desks
l o l o lo lo do do of of so so old old fold fold;
l o l o lo lo do do of of so so old old fold fold;
fork fork soak soak hold hold sold sold joke joke;
fork fork soak soak hold hold sold sold joke joke;
a doe; old fork; solid oak door; old foe; oak odor
a doe; old fork solid oak door; old foe; oak door
f t f t it it fat fat the the tied tied lift lift;
f t f t it it fat fat the the tied tied lift lift;

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