Wednesday, January 26, 2011

pg. 103.-104

hall hall shall shall half half dash dash had had;
hall hall shall shall half half dash dash had had;

d e d e elf elf sell sell desks desks flake flake
d e d e elf elf sell sell desks desks flake flake

ed ed sales sales deeds deeds safe safe jell jell;
ed ed sales sales deeds deeds safe safe jell jell;

a seed; a lead; a jade; a desk; seek a; see a lake
a seed; a lead; a jade; a desk; seed a; see a lake

he he shed shed shelf shelf shell shell held held;
he he shed shed shelf shelf shell shell held held;

a flash; a shed; she held; he has jade; has a desk
a flash; a shed; she held; he has jade; has a desk

sea shell; he has ash; she had jade; he had a sale
sea shell; he has ash; she had jade; he had a sale

ask ask seek seek half half leaf leaf halls halls;
ask ask seek seek half half leaf leaf halls halls;

ask dad; he has jell; she has jade; he sells leeks
ask dad; he has jell; she has jade; he sells leeks

he led; she has; a jak ad; a jade eel; a sled fell
he led; she has; a jak ad; a jade eel; a sled fell

she asked a lass; she led all fall; she has a lead
she asked a lass; she led all fall; she has a lead

he led; she had; she fell; a jade ad; a desk shelf
he led; she had; she fell; a jade ad; a desk shelf

1) Tom fell down the stairs.
2)Please wait outside in the hall.
3)She will start school in the fall.
4)Miguel went to the lake to swim.
5)Shannon may ask her dad for the money.
6)Tim had a salad for lunch.
7)The stone in the ring was jade.
8)If you add 8 plus 6, you get 14.
9)Please put the books on the shelf.
10)He held the door open for her.

a f d s k j ; l ask fad all dad sad fall lass jj;
a f d s k j ; l ask fad all dad sad fall lass jj;

j h ha has had ash hash d e led fed fled sled fell
j h ha has had ash hash d e led fed fled sled fell

she had a sale; ask a lad; she sells jade; a lake;
she had a sale; ask a lad; she sells jade; a lake;

k i ki ki is is if if ill ill aid aid kid kid hail
k i ki ki is is if if ill ill aid aid kid kid hail

ki ki like like jail jail file file said said dial
ki ki like like jail jail file file said said dial

if a kid; he did; a lie; if he; his file; a kid is
if a kid; he did; a lie; if he; his file; a kid is

f r fr fr far far her her are are ark ark jar jars
f r fr fr far far her her are are ark ark jar jars

fr fr jar jar red red her her lark lark dark dark;
fr fr jar jar red red her her lark lark dark dark;

a jar; a rake; read a; red jar; hear her; are free
a jar; a rake; read a; red jar; hear her; are free

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